Friday, March 8, 2013

The 100 Dollar Business Deal

Still Time to Enter!

The 100 Dollar Business Deal.....if it were only that easy!

This year, the 100th Day of School coincided with the culmination of our money unit.  In the past, I have given my students the assignment of writing what they would do with $100.  This year, I decided to make a game out of it.  It was supposed to stop there, with the game.

...but I should have known that would never happen;  not with this group of eager kids.  This little game snowballed into a mini-unit and I really have the kids to thank for that.  They are the ones who took us here with their money hungry and competitive attitudes questions, curiosity and heightened interest in money!

As I said before, this was a culmination.  The three weeks prior, we spent a lot of time adding and subtracting money, mostly through hands-on activities and games.  After that, it was time to develop some entrepreneur skills!  First up, an introduction to finance.  To help us out with that, let me introduce you to my little friend, Edcanvas.

Do you use Edcanvas?  It's definitely worth a look and try!  It's a great way to organize your teaching content.  It goes a long way in helping develop self-directed learners because it has a feature that allows you to weave together presentations with text.  An example of this would be the students watching a video and then following it up with some kind of written response.

This is my Financial Edcanvas...

If you like this Edcanvas and would like to learn how I made it,  check out my quick video tutorial!

After the kids had the financial introduction, we went on with the rest of the unit.

In the "Hundred Dollar Business Deal," my students had the opportunity to:

  • Create and name a business
  • Debit and Credit their Bank Accounts
  • Record Transactions
  • Create an advertisement for their business
  • List and add Business Expenses
  • Create a Price List for the items sold through their business
  • Define vocabulary specific to finance
  • Shop at their friends' businesses!
  • (As an extra challenge) Write a letter to Potential Investors and create a Stock Certificate for their company

You know you have an exciting project on your hands when the kids are asking to work on it every day.

To top it off, my very creative student teacher created a "Monopoly-type" game that incorporated our student-created business ( I may have to ask her to do a guest post!)

Do you think your kids would like a project like this?  I would love to hear your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Boy, we sure do think alike at times. I am currently creating a unit as we go with my kids that uses a debit card and transactions as well. My focus in on what we do with the money we receive, how children can earn money, and how we can use a debit card instead of cash. We are also looking at making little debit card machines and having a little business fair. I will let you know how it all plays out. I am planning on putting it together as a money unit as well.

    Charlene/Diamond Mom


Notes For the Teacher