Or maybe it's the fact that these poor kids have been stuck inside most of the winter!
Aaaahhhhhhhhhh! Indoor recess is certainly a game changer, especially when it comes to classroom behavior.
I've definitely seen a change in my kiddos' behavior. There are more tattles, more complaints, more movement around the classroom (at times when there's not supposed to be!) and definitely more chattiness...oh the talking is on an all time high!
Thank goodness I have an awesome guest blogger today with fantastic ideas for behavior management! I picked up super ideas from reading Furnell's post and I know you will too! Furnell is the sweet blogger over at...
Oh! In case you haven't heard, I am having a super 500 Follower giveaway as well! So as soon as you are done reading Furnell's post, be sure to go enter to win this beautiful Stella and Dot bracelet. Trust me, it's gorgeous in person...wish I was keeping it for myself! Clicking this link will take you to the giveaway (look for the rafflecopter at the bottom of the blog post):
And now....Here's Furnell!
Here's some visuals of the systems I have tried out with a quick little blurb of how they work.
Individual Behavior:
Pulling a Card From Lakeshore Learning Freebie: Stop Light Made by Me!
This worked well but cards were always going missing You can print this and laminate it and
and so I only used this my first year. use clothes pins to track behavior.
Free Printable Clip Chart Scentos Stamps
This worked extremely well my first year, last year, and I use these to draw stars on the kids
for the beginning of this year, but then I made the switch hands when they are doing a
to Class Dojo, which you will see below. great job. They love it!
Group Behavior:
Group Tallies/Points were drawn on the board compete with the students. When they are doing a great job, the students earn tallies. When the teacher feels that the students can be doing a better job, the teacher gets a tally. This worked well, but it was just a group management system and I needed more whole class.
Whole Class:
Whole Brain Teaching
(My version of the Positive and Negative Points)
This works the same way as the tallies above. When the kids are doing a great job, they earn Whoos and when they are doing a less than great job, they earn Boos.
Freebie: Brownie Points
The students earned brownie points in my room when they would receive a compliment from another teacher or specialist. Once it was filled, they voted on a prize. (I found the picture on pinterest because I cannot find the picture of the one I used)
Homework Club
The children who brought in their homework were a part of the homework club and their number would be written in the middle using a dry erase marker. The kids that forgot their homework always tried harder to bring it in to be in the club!
Currently Using:

Check out this Class Dojo Freebie: Printable Resource Pack. It is a great addition to the website.
I hope you enjoyed taking a look through the behavior systems that I have tried and what I am using now. There are a TON of systems out there, and these are just a small portion of them. Teachers need to find what works for them and their students because the shoe doesn't fit everyone! Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you stopping by and following my BLOG, FACEBOOK, TPT and Instagram: @owlalwayslove2ndgrade.
Thanks again, Tracey, for letting me take over your blog today!!!
Great post, Furnell! I was so happy to have you as a guest today! Have a great Super Bowl Sunday everyone.
By the way...Darn that Punxsutawney Phil! 6 more weeks of winter???
Oh Nooooooooooooo!!!!!

Furnell - Love the Brownie Points idea! Can't wait to implement that in my classroom :)
Thanks Rae!! There's a ton of free ones on pinterest and TPT for you to just print and laminate!